My Secret Garden
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004, 22:11

Highlights of last week.

1. Watching the 2 minutes finale of “The Champion”. TWO MINUTES!!!??

2. Two days outfield in Tekong with the mosquitoes!

3. Meddling with the signal sets which were barely audible.

4. Going for supper with Rosna at Coffee Bean.

5. Wrapping up Dan Brown’s “Digital Fortress”. Spectacular! Mind blowing! Stayed up the whole night just to finish that book!

6. Hanging out with Carol and Charmain. Went to NYDC for dinner.

7. Playing mahjong

8. Discovered an extremely yummy durian cake!

9. Discovered the ultimate must have phone now! Motorola E680!

10. Paul Scholes scoring with an acrobatic scissor kick! WOW!

Monday, November 22, 2004, 07:58

一部懷舊的電影 淋濕了心情
你的愛還在旅行 或已定居哪裡

也許遺憾和年輕 總綁在一起
不容許一點委屈 等放手才懂惋惜
靜下心來發現過去 大半是甜蜜 回憶

我最快樂那一年 是你陪我經歷一切
什麼都生動又強烈 有真正在活著的感覺

我們最快樂的那一年 像濃縮了最精華的時間
短暫卻永遠是火焰 在情緒冰涼時暖和心田

多留戀都不能 活在從前
決定不愁眉苦臉 不讓深愛的人 掛念

Tuesday, November 16, 2004, 21:40

Try as I might

I couldn’t escape

With my energy seeping away

Every step seemed like eternity

The pain keeps coming back

Who else can I blame but myself?

Who believed in the impossible?

Whose beliefs were beaten and crushed?

And ended up the butt of all jokes?

Will I survive?

Monday, November 15, 2004, 20:30

An angel descended from the sky

And taught me how to fly

We flew over the highest mountains

And soared among the clouds

Then she released her grip

Only for me to fall into the ravine

That was when I realized

I am nothing but a jester

She must have picked the wrong person

(to be continued)

Cool! Guess what I found yesterday? I was rummaging through my stuffs together with a lot of dust when I found a piece of paper! No ordinary paper though... It’s a long lost song lyric! The adapted version of “the way you look tonight”... But I would say this song is controversially disgusting and distasteful. And towards the end, anti-climax. Haha.. Written on a studious April evening by CXZZ, masterminded by JKHB, this is one hell of a song! Here’s to everyone, “The Way I Feel Tonight”! By Horny Sinatra!

The Way I Feel Tonight

Someday, when I’m awfully low

When the day is cold, I can feel it grow just thinking of you

And the way you look tonight

Yes I’m Horny, seeing you so close

Naked without clothes, cant you see that I have an urge to hump you

And to hear you moan all night

In my hands your tender boobs bang,

Setting my balls on fire

In your hands, my shaft will react

Turning you on like mad

Gently, we get down to it, moving to the beat,

Then my rising urge gives way to gravity

Viagra let me down tonight

p.s: The identities of the songwriters cannot be revealed due to legal reasons. Any similarities are purely coincidental.

Monday, November 08, 2004, 20:46

Seems like I seldom write about my daily happenings? Actually, it’s because my life is routine, boring and uninteresting. I suspect it might be due to the colour I am wearing everyday. GREEN.

This week has been quite a blur. Maybe because most of my time is spent in bed.. At home and in camp.. haha.. Been sleeping like nobody’s business since Tuesday’s guard duty. Perhaps it’s the repercussion of it, or perhaps it’s the medication that’s making me drowsy. I choose to blame it on both.

I went for my medical checkup on Wednesday and the doctor commented that my lungs appeared normal again. Phew.. However, she gave me some medicine, supposedly for my nose problem which I did not even notice.

Sianz.. Gonna be short of one majong player these few weeks coz Bernard in Australia for training.. damn.. Fortunately I have something to keep me occupied on weekends. By the way, my computer has been giving me serious problems lately, so fans of my blogs, please be patient and stop complaining. Will settle this problem as soon as money drops from the sky.. haha.. Till then!

TP Regent Hospi I-guides Lanyard Saffron East Coast BMT Majong KTV Postcards ICQ Mac Chomp Chomp Movies Angie’s The Choice Cooking Potato NTUC Fairprice Hot chocolate Honey Dome American Idol Soccer Children Cats Books Photos Zoo Wines Sorbet Cycling Exhibitions Equinox Student Lounge Sweets Raffles Scones Bakers Inn Man U Madrid Steamboat Bum Nike Airport Dan Ryans Ice packs Clarinse Scrumble Rumble NDP Digi cam MP3 S700i V3

Monday, November 01, 2004, 20:43

A story which I wanna share with you guys..

Imagine life is game in which you are juggling five balls. The balls are known as work, family, health, friends, and love. And you are keeping all of them in the air. But one day you finally come to understand that work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls are made of glass. If you drop one of these, you will no doubt crack, break, or even shatter them. And once you truly understand the lesson of the five balls, you will have the beginnings of balance in your life.

No matter how expert you are at juggling these balls, there will come a time when you will fumble, as it takes a lot of practice to find a balance. The only thing which you can do is to keep on practicing and learn from previous experiences.

I learnt that by dropping either of these balls, not only will it cause damage to that particular one, but a chain reaction will occur, affecting the rest of the balls, affecting my life.

I have learnt to set my priorities right, I have learnt to take things easy, I am learning to be happy with my life, to be happy to be myself, to lead a simple life, with simple needs. I have learnt to be stronger, just because I want to.

