My Secret Garden
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Tuesday, July 03, 2007, 22:23

The tree is often a symbol of strength and wisdom. No matter how hard the wind blows, how much the rain slaps and how the sun blasts, it stays firm and refuses to budge. It matures with age and grows from strength to strength. Sometimes, the branches might break and the leaves get detached, but it is difficult to uproot a tree.

If only humans can be like trees. Have you ever wished that you could turn back time? To retract all the things said and done? All of us knows that its impossible. We have to face the reality, to solve the problems and to be firm in our convictions.

"When our lives come undone...we carry on
Cause there's promise in the morning
sun...we carry on
As the dark surrenders to the dawn
We were born to overcome
we carry on"

